When talking about powering the e-commerce platforms the name Woocommerce comes at the forefront of web designing. From planning to the development of a website it can be used for a number of functions and creating a user-friendly website.
An e-commerce store should be powerful and have an interactive user-interface allowing everyone to have a seamless shopping experience. All this can be possible by using certain Plugins, below is the list of some useful add-ons to enhance the working of Woocommerce.
1. The magnifier
Various website design agencies in Bristol have concluded that with a magnifier added to an online store the chances that a customer will buy the product increases substantially. The magnifier allows the user to review the product in detail and wash away their doubts.
2. Multi-language platform
It is very rare for an e-commerce store to have multiple languages and a function allowing the users to pay in different currencies. Although the multiple currencies plug-ins are not used much, having various languages for one website makes it even more user-friendly. The Website designers in Bristol have ranked the multiple language functionality of Woocommerce as the most potent tool to increase an online store’s usability and its popularity.
3. On the pageview
It has been observed that a customer will not wait for much longer on a website if it takes time to load. In this scenario opening a new page to review every product discourages the customer to even check out the product. With the quick view plugin added via Woocommerce, you can allow the products listed to be viewed on the same page. This allows the user to take a quick peek at the product and also check its specifications.
4. Managing the checkout
It is often seen that the customers have to face some difficulty in providing all the details regarding the delivery. At the checkout page there are normally 4-5 categories that need to be filled including the address, phone number etc. but what is important is at what time the customer wants it delivered and if due to any circumstances the address needs to be changed then there is no option for that. Well, not now, the Woocommerce checkout plug-in allows you to add some extra categories on the checkout page. This increases the customer’s satisfaction level and also allows them to customize their delivery schedule, in turn increasing the online store’s reputation.
5. Information exporter
A web designer Bristol has to face some issues during the customization of the online store. To export the information into another format and then editing it for the client proves to be a tardy process. To make it easy for them Woocommerce has developed a store exporter, it can export all the information into any other format or even put it onto a spreadsheet.
6. Inventory planner
All the e-commerce platforms have to use a separate inventory planner in order to keep a check on the stock available and everything that is sold in the market. The Woocommerce inventory planner comes as a blessing as it enables all the stock information to be in sync with each other. All the products which are sold and which are in the pipeline added with those which are currently in the stock, all these are clubbed onto one page making it easy for the online store managers to keep a record.
The trend of buying products is changing altogether; the intensity of people going to the market is decreasing with every passing day. It has become a necessity to have an online store for every organization.